Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Nanna Betty, The Last.

Nanna Betty with Maegan Clement and Blake Clement
It's been a year since my lovely Nanna Betty passed away and its been tough - don't get me wrong, I miss other much, much loved grandparents too but Nanna Betty was the hardest for 3 reasons

1) The shock - She had gone into hospital for a small routine operation - which lets face it, nothing is small or routine in the elderly but she got through the operation (I don't think I breathed that day!) and was recovering, then came the set backs but she battled through infections and blood clots and was slowly very slowly improving, I'd put so much on her making it through the operation, which she did that I hadn't prepared myself for the worst to happen 6 weeks later - I was shocked when she started to go downhill and she went downhill fast and passed away. 

2) The closest - My Nanna Betty was the grandparent I was closest to, the one who spoiled me with too much ice cream and chocolate, shared stories and family history with me.

3) The last - she was my last grandparent and there is something very unnerving about being grandparentless - I guess it's not at all the same but close to a hint or a glimpse of being orphaned in a way, its hard to describe but its a very unnatural feeling to find yourself without grandparents - I can remember in the grief stage crying and saying "but I haven't got any grandparents now" and that thought sticks.

Nana Betty is ice cream with 2 scoops even in winter. Little potato fritters. Boxing Day buffet with trifle and colourful mini forks. A musical Christmas tree in a box. Peter and his fish tank. Holding your hand at fireworks displays so "you" don't get scared. Fish n chips in newspaper sat in the back of the car after morecambe illuminations. Babycham Bambi. Parkin cake. Hiding under the table in a thunderstorm. Visiting every day you are in hospital with funny little balloon holding animals. Lucozade. An orange cow cup. crusty pie the tortoise. Waymouse.
I miss all of my grandparents but particularly Nanna Betty and with it being the first anniversary of her passing, I'm in a tearful place and I do not like being grandparentless.

Emma in Bromley xx


  1. aww sending hugs - it's lovely that you've got so many great memories of her. She sounds like a wonderful person and it's no surprise that you miss her so much xxx

  2. I still miss my Nan who passed away 20 years ago. Hold onto those memories and smile xxx

  3. She sounds like a wonderful person. I just have one grandparent left and I think I can see that I'll probably feel the same way when my grandmother dies. I don't want to be grandparentless either. x

  4. Sending big hugs, she sounded like a lovely woman. You have some wonderful memories that will be with you forever.
    I have only ever had a grandad but he died when I was 10, I have lovely memories of what time I had with him

  5. Sending big hugs to you, Nanny Betty sounded like a wonderful lady. You have some lovely memories that will stay with you forever.
    I only ever had a grandad and he died when I was 10, I have some find memories of the time we had together and always remember them x x


Thank you for your comments

Emma x