So back in May was the Autumn Winter 2014 Boden collection press day, it happened to fall on a day that for me was a sad one - my Nanna passed away earlier this year - not only was she the grandparent I was most closest to, but also my last one, being grandparentless has been hard to adjust to. The press day fell on what would have been Nanna Betty's birthday - the first one since she passed away.
I headed into Central London for the event and I took with me, my beautiful daughter Maegan - she absolutely adores coming along to these things with me, she's a shoe girl and a poser so more than happy to be a part of it!
Boden had done (as expected) a brilliant press day - the room was set up with amazing details and the theme was clear - two distinct themes to be precise
Country and City these for me were an instant hit! I'm a country bumpkin northern girl who did rural science at school and misses the Lake District and northern beaches more than I could ever put into words - although as a stroppy teenager listening to nirvana and stomping up Helvellyn in cherry red DM's ( when DM stood for Doc Marten's, not Direct Message) - I did not appreciate the countryside and wanted nothing more than to live in Canary Wharf - I'd decided this at the age of 9 and moved to London 14 years ago - now I fight my inbuilt urge to run for the hills! I'm an equal blend of both countryside and city so this collection spoke volumes to me!
Now, Maegan is normally an absolute delight to take along and on our journey, excitedly chatted away about what we were going to do and see - I timed our trip to the press day to fall before she got too tired and ready for nap so afterwards she could drift off for a little snooze...of course anyone with a 2 year old will tell you things never go according to plan!
After only 10mins at the event, Maegan chose to have the biggest tantrum she has ever had - the mother of all tantrums, the one I will never forget - I'm talking violence here - she pulled out a handful of my hair, kicked me, hit me and bit me so hard on the cheek, I had a bite mark for 3 days that resembled a strange love bite! I was feeling emotional enough that day anyway and this just tipped me right over the edge - I found myself stuck in a corner, crying my eyes out with a two year old going mental and refusing to let go of a dress! Mortified doesn't even come close!
After a tearful emergency call to the hubby (My Knight in Shiny Armour) who fortunately for me was at close by Selfridges at that very moment, careful detachment of the said dress and a mad, tearful, hiding behind the toddler sprint to the exit - I left.
I'm way to old to do this but ... I cried all the way to Selfridges, for many many reasons - the tantrum, the humiliation, the painful bite mark, for not being able to see most of the Boden collection, for not even getting to chat to anyone at the event, for missing out on all the yummy refreshments, for feeling like I'm never allowed to be "just me" and for my Nanna Betty's missed birthday.
As you can see from the few pieces I did manage to spy, the collection is wonderful and it is currently becoming available so please do take a moment to browse the lovely Boden A/W 14 collection - a big digital round of applause for all the brilliant Boden people, I do hope it hasn't put you off inviting me to the next one (although I may come alone!)