Saturday, 6 September 2014

Daily Discovery: Boxset Wooden Travel Toys on Offer!

I'm a fan of Boxset - they're these really brilliant wooden toy playsets that unfold from their own carry case box. We bought a train set and a castle one a while ago and they've been with us on long train journeys, weekends away and trips to friends to name a few (they are also great when you need two playsets out at the same time!) - they are great toys to have and I spotted them on special offer this morning until Tuesday 9th September  - for anyone forward planning, these make great Christmas gifts! I spotted the new designs on the Casdon stand at the toyfair earlier this year and this is the first time I've actually seen any of the new ones available!

1 comment:

  1. These sets are now available from Debenhams. Love them x


Thank you for your comments

Emma x