Thursday, 15 March 2012

I dont like you

I've always known the day will come where my lovely little man will tell me he doesn't like me, I've also always known it will hurt but of course he wouldn't mean it ... But I've always thought it would happen when he is about four.

So I had a shock when my gorgeous little two year old said, "I don't like you, Mummy" I wasn't quite prepared for this - particularly out of the blue and at the dinner table! And yep! It did make me tearful and if that wasn't enough it was quickly followed by "I don't like you, Mummy, you make me sad"
I'm not quite sure what it is I have done to warrant such a statement and I know he doesn't mean it when he says he doesn't like me but I'm struggling to get my head round the "you make me sad" part!
I know you're supposed to ignore these comments but they're pretty hard to ignore coming from a two year old!

Emma in Bromley xx

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Emma x