Thursday, 15 August 2013

The superhero and the John Lewis Dyson Range

blake preston clement as spiderman with the dyson from john lewisThere are always those little household lovelies that make out jobs as "Mummy" easier - that we just couldn't do without! For me, my daily chores would be hard without my music, my dishwasher and my Dyson collection! (I have TWO!)

In our house, we have allergy sufferers, hayfever victims, asthmatics and then there's my hair - which seems to fall out in handfuls!

We went with Dyson for 4 main reasons.
1) our parents and grand parents are all Dyson users.
2) the allergy stamp of approval is important, especially with the little people!
3) they are so incredibly easy to use with their colour coded system and simple to manoeuvre. 
4) they do the job much quicker and cleaner than any of the cheap vacuum cleaners we went through before we got our Dyson (we had a few exploding cheapie vacuum cleaners, and one or two which just didn't do a good job at all!)

You can see the current Dyson range at John Lewis.

On a Dyson, if it does something, it's coloured! Eg, the filter lock, the bits to clip attachments to and the bit to turn to open it and clean the head! No fiddling about and no need to have to consult the manual all the time!

blake preston clement as spiderman with the dyson from john lewisI love on the Dyson website, you can register to an email service which will remind you when it's time to wash the filter ... Very handy for busy families!

So ... back to why we have two Dyson's!
We have our main one, its a stowaway animal! Which means it packs up nice and neat and tidy - perfect for a small 2up 2down like ours! The Animal bit means it can handle my hair and all the allergens our house has to throw at it! even pollen! 
It's compact enough to deal with the stairs and the attachments are easy to use - my fave little gadget detail is its cord wind button - this is also a feature that fascinates the kids - you just push the button when you've finished and the plug cord winds back in by "magic" 

blake preston clement as spiderman with the dyson from john lewisYou can adjust the telescopic pole to 3 heights which means the kids can use it ;) - my 4 year old loves to don his spiderman costume and hoover up for me! - actually he pretends - which is very cute as he even does the sound effects!

Our second Dyson is the hand held - a must have for every family - this is my handy tool - it's used several times a day, usually to clean up dropped food bits It's also amazing for doormats, cleaning out the pushchair seat, crumbs in the carseats and pretty much the whole car interior actually! (Why do I find crumbs in the carseats even when there hasn't been any food in the car?!)

Emma in Bromley x

* This is a featured post, all words, Dyson wielding Spiderman and views are all my own :)

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Emma x