Saturday, 1 June 2013

Playmobil Playologists 2013

Vintage 1974 Playmobil. 2013 Playologists, Blake and Maegan ClementYesterday Playmobil UK announced on twitter their 20 new Playologists ... I waited with fingers and toes crossed because I'd applied too!

... Sadly, Playmobil didn't choose me :(

Congratulations to the winners! I follow most of you! 
@ImaginationTree @mummyadventure @Mummy_Loves @LauraCYMFT @OneDad3Girls @suburban1mummy @RedTedArt @wendymcd83 @liveotherwise 
@missingsleep @charliefunhouse @emvanstone @AttachmentMumma @DanielleGParker @Edspire @Ghostwritermumm @1978rebecca @snafflesmummy @Gingerbread_mum

We're going back to playing with my hubby's vintage Playmobil! Most of it is stamped as 1974! I especially like playing with the ones with facial hair and the one I'd assumed was a disco dancer but turned out to be a deep sea diver!

Emma in Bromley x

1 comment:

  1. You can't disco dance in those shoes! Although I guess they do look like some spectacular wedges :D

    I also applied, what an amazing opportunity that would be, they're very lucky, but very well chosen I think :)


Thank you for your comments

Emma x