Monday, 14 May 2012

Britmums carnival

Must be over a year ago, I put my name down to host a Britmums carnival!

I'd completely forgotten it was my turn (I've been a bit preoccupied with cake lately!) until I received an email from a fellow blogger to see if I'd be setting a theme!

I'm happy to say that I will indeed be hosting a Brit mums carnival on Tuesday 29th May 2012 - it's my first one! yey!

Last weekend I was Godmother to my niece Alice at her Christening, I've spent the week mostly flapping my arms around as I prepare for my daughter's christening yesterday (I made a lot of pink cake!) and next weekend I will be fairy Godmother again to my niece Millie at her Christening! - yup that's 3 Christenings in a row...

Which is why I decided to set the theme as Chrsitenings, Celebrations and Cake! - I'm not terribly strict so if you have something else you'd like to submit - that's welcome too :)

The rules:
"This is how it works: every two weeks a different parent blogger “hosts” the carnival. Bloggers submit posts from the past month.
The rules are one post per blogger and it must be something written in the past four weeks. No commerical or sponsored posts."

Please send entries to me at

The next carnival after mine is at on the 12th June don't forget to check the Schedule to find out where future Britmums carnivals are being held!
Emma in Bromley xx

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Thank you for your comments

Emma x