Monday, 11 April 2011

Who's more excited about Duplo? Me or my little boy?

We all had favourite toys as children, some of which have made it all this time and are still available. There are of course one or two things that seem to make us parents more excited than our children. I loved my glow worm and was very excited when we got one for our baby boy - they've changed over the years, I remember dismantling mine and having just a glow stick! The new ones also play music which is fab!

My hubby can't wait until our little boy is old enough for Scalextric but for me, it's all about Lego, at 21 months, he's still a little too young for Lego but we've been having a blast with Duplo (Lego for younger children). Our Son got a few kits for Christmas but we've also bought a few extra bits and pieces since and now we have a tub full! I get lots of enjoyment from building little houses from Duplo and Blake love's to build and dismantle towers, he also loves the train and Buzz Lightyear figure from a toystory3 set but his favourites have to be the farm animals from a small animal set we bought.

When Blake got his first Duplo set at Christmas, he was 18months and it took a little while to get used to it, at first he just got a little frustrated, then he moved on to putting all the bricks in the box and then tipping them all over his head, but now he's very good at putting the bricks together and taking them apart. I absolutely love watching him play and seeing what he thinks to do with his bricks. I love encouraging his creative side and I think Duplo is also helping his co-ordination. Our collections of Duplo are getting too much to fit in the green box that came with a starter pack, I think before too long, we will be shopping for a new box just to keep all the Duplo bits in!

I think that between the age of 18months and 2 is a great time to introduce Duplo and it's one of those toys that Mummy and Daddy get just as much enjoyment from too!  Duplo bricks are chunky versions of Lego bricks, making them easier to handle for little people and less easy to swallow but word of warning - they still hurt if you stand on a brick bare foot!!!

Duplo is currently one of my little boys favourites and I can't help but giggle at the thought that maybe one day in the future, his children will be playing with Duplo too!

Emma in Bromley x

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Emma x