Thursday 16 April 2015

Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll

Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley

We were recently very lucky to review one of the new Doc Mcstuffins specialist dolls - the timing couldn't have been better for 3 year old Maegan as she was very, very poorly with Lymphadenitis which was awful! 

This set is so sweet and we had seen the episode that the playset is based on - actually I think we may have seen every episode!

We're in the middle of creating our play room at the moment and we will be having a Doc Mcstuffins corner!

Eye Doctor Doc Doll
  • 30cm hard bodied Doc eye doctor doll
  • Comes with a 12cm Hootsie character
  • Hootsie is cross-eyed: when you put on his glasses, his eyes will straighten up
  • Comes with everything you need to become an eye doctor
  • Includes an ophthalmoscope, removable eye glasses, an eye dropper and a comb

Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Eye Doctor Dottie comes in simple packaging - I managed to get her out without needing a screwdriver which is always a bonus!
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Plenty of accessories to encourage roll play
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Hootsie with poorly eyes
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Slide the glasses on and ... 
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Hoots can see clearly!
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Dottie is pose-able so she can sit down
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Doc Mcstuffins can also stand up unsupported.
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Her doctors coat is pink and glittery!
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Poorly peaky looking Maegan adores her new Doc Mcstuffins Dottie

Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
Sliding the glasses on hootise is lots of fun.

Straightening up Doc's lab coat. 
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley
The comb is being well used - I'm pleased to say that the plaits are still in place too!

You can also get a Dentist Doc Mcstuffins too!
Eye Doctor Doc Mcstuffins Doll - Emma in Bromley

disclaimer - I was sent Eye Doctor Dottie for the purpose of reviewing her. 

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Emma x