Tuesday 19 July 2011

Help Dora Help preschool campaign, Interview with Helena Dowling and Nick Jr Giveaway.

I was recently given an opportunity to do an online interview with Helena Dowling, the presenter from Nick Jr who is also the face of the current Help Dora Help campaign.

The campaign is there to help preschoolers, there is an award prize fund of up to £20,000 along with discovery and learning equipment packages for preschools across the UK.

"Supported by the Princes Foundation for Children and the Arts, the Help Dora Help initiative has been created to bring exploration to life in pre-schools and nurseries in a real way."

Dora is the perfect role model for such a campaign as she is such a natural explorer and has a perfect skill set for problem solving with her friends (we love Boots the Monkey in our house!) I'd like to think my little ones will grow up with a great sense of adventure, I was lucky enough to grow up in the Lake District and I'd love for my little ones to know what it is to explore, investigate and climb!

I asked Helena Dowling the following questions to get more of an insight into such a lovely presenter and representative for Help Dora Help.

1) Is Dora your favourite nick jr character? 

There are so many amazing characters on Nick Jr. it is hard to choose! Dora is one of my favourites. I love the way she takes kids on an adventure, encourages creativity and teaches them problem solving and Spanish!

2) what did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to be an actress.

3) what was your favourite book growing up?

I loved the Lion, Watch and the Wardrobe and I read all of the Puddle Lane books.

4) have you ever been on an adventure?

I have been on lots of adventures. My biggest adventure was in 2002 where I travelled around FranceSpain andMorocco for a month with friends. I made sure I spoke some Spanish in Spain

"Nick Jr. is inviting pre-school settings across the UK to apply to the Help Dora Help Award Fund, for a chance to receive one main award of up to £20,000 and runners up prizes of learning equipment to help the children learn and explore just like Dora the Explorer!
Your pre-school could use the fund to:
  • Kit out their setting with new games and toys.
  • Provide and install outdoor equipment.
  • Give the children an unforgettable adventure day.
  • Build a play area.
  • Or something that will make a real difference to how their preschoolers learn and develop!"
Helena and Dora will be visiting some of the preschools who apply to the fund too!
Wouldn't it be lovely for a Bromley pre-school to win a prize? Time to encourage your local pre-school to apply before Friday!!! 22nd July 2011.

I have a Nick Jr Goodie bag to give away to one of my lovely readers, (UK only please) to be in with a chance of winning it, all you have to do is comment below about your greatest adventure. 

To be in with bonus chances, feel free to tweet a link to this blog post http://emmainbromley.blogspot.com/2011/07/help-dora-help-preschool-campaign.html (@beachpebble) 

and let me know below so I can include your bonus chances in the draw, the winner will be chosen on Saturday 23rd July at 12 noon :-)

Emma in Bromley x

Campaign quotes taken from Nick Jr.


  1. I am so boring! I haven't ever done anything really adventurous.

    Can I still enter though? ;-)

    Have tweeted & shared on FB too

  2. You're not boring! look at all the camping trips you go on and all the fun you've had with your house and garden ... not to mention being a mum - that's quite an adventure!
    I would wish you luck but so far you haven't got any competition! x

  3. Hi there

    I think my best adventure was going to the ancient capital of Iran, Persepolis in Shiraz with my husband and trying to figure out all the names who had been graffiti-ing the monuments, amongst the names were Livingston and some more modern ones such as Metallica as well!!

    Will tweet and FB too... (@cakeandmakeup)


  4. I'm planning an adventure at the moment. My parents have moved to Seattle and I'm planning on taking my two boys (6 months and 3yrs)to visit. I've retweeted your link as well (@catparrott). Good luck everyone

  5. My adventure was for my 30th birthday - I went to New York at Christmas for the first time and LOVED IT. Exploring a new city is great fun and we have a holiday adventure with the family planned next week taking in places in the UK we have not been before, cant wait! :)

    ps have also tweeted your link :) @moozikgal

  6. My best adventure I've had to date was potholing in the Yorkshire Dales, pitch black, crawling along on your hands and knees with water half way up your thighs, then scaling a 30ft high underground waterfall and commando crawling on your stomach through a 4ft high rock space - scary but so very very cool, the sort of thing you have to do just to tick it off the list. Brilliant!

    RT'd and said hello on FB :o)

  7. I think my greatest adventure would either be going up to Oxford for 4 years to study biochemistry, making me the first in my family to go to university (one brother went to poly and another went to uni later as a mature student), or going for a long weekend on my own a few years ago to Paris.

  8. Hi again. I've left a comment on FB for you.

  9. My greatest adventure has got to be motherhood. You try to prepare yourself in every way possible - read all the books, listen to all the advice - however it will always take you by surprise. It has been the most challenging experience in my life so far, but also the most rewarding, and has taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible. And the best part of this adventure, is having my children to share it with me :)

  10. I used to have a little hut in the woods that was joined to the house! and i used to pretend i was on a rabbit hunt! lol

    Twitter @tea76

  11. Thank you everyone for sharing your adventures with me! The giveaway is now closed and the winner of the nick jr goodie bag is loulou_sparkle x well done!


Thank you for your comments

Emma x