Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Website Wednesday: Inside Out Living furniture shop in Bromley

Recently on twitter, I heard about a shop in Bromley offering homely gifts and Indian furniture so at the weekend, we took a wonder into town and found the shop!

It's all the way up next door to the cinema - I can't remember the last time I ever went up the high street that far ... but it's definitely worth the walk and I'm glad we kept looking for it!

I thought Inside Out Living was new but it turns out that they've had an online shop for a few years and opened up the Bromley shop before Christmas - if only I'd known!

I was impressed with the good range of gift items, from make your own felt cushion kits for kids to cute little wooden signs of wisdom. The furniture is made from Indian woods and I particularly liked a blanket box made from mango wood, whilst hubby loved a rather large ornate mirror!

The website is lovely and fairly easy to use and based purely on the great shop in Bromley, I'd like to put forward their website for this week's website wednesday although I haven't ordered from it, I do think it gives a good sense of what to expect in the high street shop! And also my non-Bromley readers can have a bit of shopping fun too!

Inside Out Living, 240 High Street, Bromley

Emma in Bromley x

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Emma x