Monday, 21 June 2010

New baby clothes shop in The Glades - Little legs

I don't wonder down that little extra bit in the Glades very often - you know, that little extra arcade of shops underneath waterstones - especially now The Pier has gone - there's rarely a need to wonder down - but yesterday I did and I spotted a new baby clothes shop called Little Legs. 

Little Legs has been there for 6 weeks already so I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it - considering how many local mums I know! It's got a lovely mixture of trendy brands such as No Added Sugar and Mexx and has a mix of newborn clothes up to about 3 years old. 

It's very cleverly thought out as there is a sofa at the back of the shop and a little play area next to the changing room for when you are shopping to keep little ones busy! 

They currently have a sale on and we picked up a lovely No Added Sugar blanket for half price and a cool tee for a fiver.

There are some very cute accessories and shoes too and at the till point - look out for little bags of retro sweets (for Mummy of course!) 

Emma in Bromley x

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Emma x