Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Dora's Enchanted Forrest Adventures

We love Dora in our house so we were very exited to be sent a review copy of Dora's Enchanted Forrest Adventures DVD before it's showing on Nick Jr.

The Adventures are split into three special episodes which make it great for pre-schoolers (we all know, a toddler isn't going to sit still for the length of a feature film) and are packed full of new friends for Dora, including  elves, unicorns, fairies and dragons!

Official Synopsis included below:
Part 1: Tale of the Unicorn King Tuesday 8th November at 4.30pm repeated at 6.30pm on NickJr.
Dora and Boots are in their flower-filled spring forest with their friend, Unicornio.  All of the forest animals have chosen Unicornio as the King of the Enchanted Forest. There’s just one problem, Unicornio is unsure he deserves the title.  Dora and Boots will show Unicornio that he can be King as they travel to the Castle for his royal coronation.  Together, we challenge the smart Owl to a riddle contest; help Unicornio use a magical giant shield to protect us from the Dragon and rescue Squirrel from a roaring river.  When Unicornio reaches the Castle, he finally believes that he can be King.  Dora gets a beautiful dress and Boots wears his fancy boots for the coronation. All hail King Unicornio! 

Part 2: Secret of Atlantis Wednesday 9th November at 4.30pm repeated at 6.30pm on NickJr.
It’s summertime and Dora and Boots are at the beach when they see Diego riding in on a dolphin. He’s just been on an undersea adventure and found the legendary lost continent of Atlantis. He's discovered it’s secret and the reason why it disappeared from Earth.  Diego recruits Dora, Boots and King Unicornio to help him end an ancient feud between the unicorns and dragons. That’s the only way to make Atlantis rise. Together we’ll travel from the Enchanted Forest (where Unicornio leaves the Owl in charge) to make friends with the Dragon at the Volcano; then race over the beach to the middle of the ocean, where we’ll call the Golden Phoenix to make the lost continent return. Hurray!
Part 3: Dora Saves King Unicornio Thursday 10th November at 4.30pm repeated at 6.30pm on NickJr.
Dora and Boots are playing in the leaves on an Autumn day when Little Rabbit arrives from the Enchanted Forest for their help. When King Unicornio returned from Atlantis to the Enchanted Forest, Owl didn’t want to give back the King’s crown, so he tricked Unicornio. Now Unicornio is stuck plugging a dam with his unicorn horn so the whole forest won’t be flooded.  Owl is still ruling over the Enchanted Forest, where he’s made new rules like banning scarecrows, elves and fairies. Can Dora and Boots help King Unicornio get his crown back and once again rule the Enchanted Forest?

Don't worry - if you miss it - The full trilogy is then repeated back to back as a two hour special on the following dates:
  • Friday 11th November at 4.30pm
  • Saturday 12th November at 11am and 4pm
  • Sunday 13th November at 12pm and 3pm
  • Saturday 19th November at 1pm
  • Sunday 20th November at 9am and 5pm
  • Friday 25th November at 4pm
  • Sunday 27th November at 12pm
Usually my little boy loves Dora, but in these episodes, he really seems to have two new favourites - Boots and Diego! It's very cute to see him acting out the character of Boots - I think it comes naturally to him as he is a little monkey!

So far we've only watched the first two parts but I wanted to share it with you before it starts on NickJr as we are loving what we've seen so far!
It's all very exciting and the graphics are really sharp and clear, there's something about the elves that give me a sense of nostalgia - I'm sure they look like elves from something in my childhood! 

To celebrate and accompany Dora's exciting Enchanted Forrest Adventures, you can buy the DVD from amazon with an RRP of £12.99 from 14th November - currently the pre-order price is a bargain of £6.99.

Also in stores from the 14th November from Fisher Price will be Splash and Surprise Dora - A styling head with lots of features such as hot and cold water colour changes and lots of accessories. Fisher Price also have Magical Fairy Dora - an 11 inch doll who talks, sings and has a magic wand - I so want this for myself!

See the Nick Jr website for Dora activities and games http://www.nickjr.co.uk/shows/dora/

Emma in Bromley x

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Emma x