Monday 15 June 2009

Pregnancy Yoga in Bromley

I didn't used to be a yoga fan, having tried a few regular yoga sessions in the past, I found yoga to be a little on the dull side as I used to be a semi professional dancer and just enjoy the energy in dance so much I didn't really appreciate the serenity of yoga.

However, just before I became pregnant I had been giving yoga and pilates another chance and enjoyed following a dvd at home.

I'm keen on natural birth techniques, where I can, I eat organically and avoid Parabens in cosmetics and artificial sweetners in food/drink. I've been following a few hypnobirth techniques and would like a water birth.

I was keen to have a go at Pregnancy Yoga and was pleased to come across a class in Bromley, As far as I could tell from my research there is only the one teacher in Bromley with classes taking place on Tuesdays, one at 5pm and one later in the evening. If Tuesday isn't a good day for you then Bromley doesn't have any other choices!

The sessions take place at St Mark's Church Hall on Westmoreland Road near Bromley South train station with teacher Zoe Knott.

I went along for a 5pm session and was surprised to find that the session was full and really busy - I had chosen the earlier session expecting it to be quieter than the evening session.

Zoe was a fantastic tutor and I really enjoyed the session, I got the feeling that it would be a great way to meet other mums and everyone seemed really friendly. There were people there from around about the 16 week mark with small hardly there bumps to ladies who were over due and ready to pop so no need to worry about your bump size! (and Yes! there is a toilet & changing area)

You need to wear layers and socks (Matching socks are optional!) unless you have well manicured toes! If you don't have your own yoga mat, not to worry Zoe had spares that you can either borrow or buy - and take a bottle of water along with you.

In the kitchen there was a whole hive of local information and pregnancy resources which was great to see and at the end of the session, there was a "show and tell" from one of the ladies who had been going to pregnancy yoga who had come in to tell her positive birth story (and pass round a very lovely cute baby for people to see)

The session lasted for about an hour and a half and I would have loved to continue going. - Unfortunately, as I was made redundant, it wasn't something I could afford to do whilst in that situation. I left the session feeling full of energy and very positive with practical techniques to do at home, and I have been practicing pregnancy yoga via a dvd at home - it's not the same and if you can, I would fully recommend going along to the class as you get the benefit of a trained tutor to help you get into the correct position and the opportunity to meet new friends.

If you are interested in going along to one of Zoe's pregnancy yoga sessions, you can contact her by email
Whilst I found the session fantastic, I have to say that besides the session Zoe offers, Bromley has no other pregnancy Yoga, pregnancy Pilates or aquanatal sessions available - which, considering both the size of Bromley and also how popular the sessions with Zoe are is a bit of a shocker! I spent a very long time trying to find pregnancy pilates and aquanatal classes but was unsuccessful.
Please do let me know if you know of any other pregnancy sessions in Bromley. 

Near by Sidcup, Keston and Beckenham have pregnancy yoga teachers too.

Beckenham Pregnancy Yoga

Keston yoga - YogaBarn

Emma in Bromley


  1. Hi Emma - I came across your blog whilst searching for baby yoga in Bromley. Have you come across Lynda Hills' pregnancy yoga in Petts Wood on Monday nights? It sounds similar to the session Zoe runs and might be of interest - I went from around 14 weeks pregnant and really enjoyed it, though it is a bit pricey: more details can be found at Good luck with the pregnancy! Jaime

  2. Hiya Jamie

    Thank you for your comment, It's good to see other options in the Bromley area.

    How did you get on with finding a baby yoga session? I'd love to hear more on that now my Baby is here!


  3. Thanks for the info. I've emailed Zoe, just hope the classes are still running.

  4. Hiya Tara,

    Glad you found it useful! Zoe's yoga classes are still running - my sister in law is going on Tuesday (15th sept) to give her "show and tell" (Baby and birth story.)


  5. Thanks Emma! I've been searching the net for days now trying to find what Bromley offers to us pregnant ladies, and I am shocked at how little is available. I desperately want to meet other new mums in my area, so I have written to Zoe to enquire about her yoga classes. If you come accross any other ways or methods of meeting new mums, could you post back and let us know?? Thanx!

  6. Thank you for your comments and Congratulations on your pregnancy!
    I'm glad my blog offered something for you and enjoy the yoga sessions!
    I was also shocked at the lack of things for pregnant ladies in Bromley it really is like finding a needle in a haystack! There isn't any aqua-natal or pregnancy pilates in the area.
    Here are a few pointers that might help...
    I found a few local friends in the June 09 birth club - It's a great way to chat to other mums due at the same time.

    NCT do ante-natal classes in small groups - these do cost a fair amount of money, but people I know who did the NCT classes made close friends in the groups.

    Try one of the Baby Cafe sessions in Sidcup or Eltham

    I've heard there are a few "bumps to baby" sessions in Bromley too - I'll post when I find out more - My baby is only 3 months so I'm discovering things all the time!

    Please do feel free to post on my blog if you come across anything too!

    Emma x

  7. I have written to Zoe to enquire about her yoga classes. If you come across any other ways or methods of meeting new mums.It really is like finding a needle in a haystack! There isn't any aqua-natal or pregnancy pilates in the area.


  8. I was also shocked at the lack of things for pregnant ladies in Bromley it really is like finding a needle in a haystack! There isn't any aqua-natal or pregnancy pilates in the area.

    Beauty & Fashion

    1. Hi Emma,

      Great Blog! I teach Pregnancy Yoga - my details can be found on a postcode search on - and I teach in Beckenham, and new classes in the Pavilion in Bromley too. Yoga during pregnancy is fantastic for helping the mums to be adapt emotionally and physically to all the changes going on in their body and life, and preparing them for birth. Feel free to contact me on

  9. Hi Emma,

    Really enjoying the blog! I teach yoga one-to-one in Bromley, and also to small groups and am very happy to teach pregnant and post-natal women, or those trying to conceive. I agree that group classes are a great way to meet other mum's, but if you feel self concsious, have other health issues or just woudl like to fit yoga around a busy schedule then one to one sessions can be ideal. I offer a free 30 minute consultation to anyone interested. YOu can contact me by email:

    I was taught to be a teacher by Zoe Knott - she advises the UK's main yoga school on pregnancy teaching so she really is a wonderful resource to have in the borough. If there is only one class avaiable then we are lucky it's Zoe's!

    I have one daughter and am currently pregnant with my second baby and really feel yoga has helped with all the big changes so much! Definitely worth a try!

    All the best, Mandy


Thank you for your comments

Emma x