Wednesday 16 September 2015

Lottie Dolls Review - Pro Girl Childlike Doll Review - Finn Doll.

I'm really excited to share with you  Lottie Dolls for Girls and Boys (Check out Finn further down this post!) The way things are at the moment is that pink (did you see my #banpink post?) is very much forced on girls and the majority of the figure dolls aimed at small girls are designed to replicate some sort of tarty teenager - many seem to be dressed extremely inappropriately and don't replicate a natural body shape. So when I was invited to review Lottie Dolls - I couldn't wait! - Here we have a Doll for a child that actually looks like a child and dresses like a child!
Launched in August 2012, Lottie™ is a new, innovative doll for children aged 3 - 9. Since her debut, Lottie has won 24 awards in the USA, Canada and UK, including 5 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards, generated international press coverage and been the beneficiary of positive parent and blogger reviews. Lottie is now on sale in over 30 countries.
Maegan Clement with Pony Club Lottie

Lottie is fun and educational; an affordable, aspirational ‘pro girl’ doll.
Lottie comes with an inspirationally mini story printed on the back of the box set in fictional Branksea (inspired by Enid Blyton territory of Brownsea)

Maegan Clement with Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony

This is why Lottie is so brilliant:
  1. Child-Like Body

    Lottie’s body is based on the average proportions of a 9 year old girl, developed alongside academics in the areas of child psychology and nutrition. Lottie represents a healthy view on body image, and is a positive role model.
  2. Age Appropriate

    Lottie is all about doing many of the activities a real child her age would do, and is not concerned with growing up too quickly. Lottie doesn’t wear make-up, high-heels or jewellery.
  3. Ethnically Diverse

    Lottie dolls come in a range of diverse eye, hair and skin colours.
  4. Relatable #justlikeme

    Lottie wears the kind of clothes that kids wear in real-life, whether that is pretty party dresses, hard-wearing clothes and boots to get muddy outdoors, sportswear or fun dress-up costumes! Lottie is doing all the activities that ‘real’ kids do; be they ‘girly’ activities like ballet, or imaginary tea parties, getting muddy outdoors, being sporty and active, as well as robot - building projects, to stargazing and fossil-hunting. Imaginative dress-up play too, whether as a Queen or a pirate or superhero. Lottie represents all the positive, different facets of childhood, without limitation.
    Maegan Clement with Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony
  5. Tactile Fabric and Hair

    Lottie’s hair is made from premium quality Saran, which has a wax component and a silky texture which means it does not tangle or knot. Lottie’s clothing is composed of tactile fabric, with great attention to detail, and has Velcro fastenings, easy to dress and undress.
  6. Bendable Knees

    Lottie encourages children to be active and outdoorsy, she has bendable knees, and ball socket hips and arms. Lottie’s head can move from side to side, and Lottie can do the splits, all of which help for gymnastics, karate and playing with friends.
  7. She’s 18cm tall, and can stand on her own two feet

    (always a useful life skill for all girls, big and small)
  8. Awards

    Lottie has won International awards, including 5 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards.

    Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony
    Pony Club Lottie with Seren the Welsh Mountain pony - Many people often comment on the unusual spelling of Maegan, so let me explain ... my husband's side of the family are welsh and when we were thinking of baby names, we really wanted to include a little welsh heritage in there, we finally settled on Maegan after seeing this spelling in a welsh baby name book - but on the shortlist included other names - one of which was Seren so it was extra sweet that the name of the Welsh Mountain pony was Seren!
Maegan Clement Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony

Maegan Clement Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony

Pony Club Lottie

Maegan Clement Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony

Pony Club Lottie and Seren the Mountain Pony

Maegan's pony collection on her dollhouse bed
One of theatre reasons why Maegan loves Pony Club Lottie is because she has quite the Pony collection herself!

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Kite Flyer Finn is just brilliant for boys (and girls) and got me thinking - I can't think of anything similar for boys on the market at the moment - now Action Man is obsolete, none of the other boys action figures seem to come with removable clothes, they all tend to be moulded plastic superheroes...I'm hoping there will be more clothes coming for Finn, a superhero costume would be great!

Blake age 6 adores his Finn!

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

Blake Clement with Kite Flyer Finn by Lottie Dolls

We also received a Muddy Puddles Lottie - I just want to point out that the packaging for the Lottie Dolls have medals on them representing some of the awards they've won - but its worth noting that the ribbons on these medals are inspired by both the US and British Suffragettes!
Muddy Puddles Lottie Doll - Emma in Bromley

Muddy Puddles Lottie Doll - Emma in Bromley

Muddy Puddles Lottie Doll - Emma in Bromley

Muddy Puddles Lottie Doll - Emma in Bromley

These are just 3 of the many different sets you can buy, Lottie comes in a range of diverse eye, hair and skin colours, and you can purchase extra outfits and accessories too!

More from Lottie

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Emma in Bromley xx

Disclaimer: I received 3 Lottie Dolls for the purpose of this review. All photos and thoughts are my own... and Yes, I'd recommend Lottie Dolls to a friend!

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Emma x