Saturday 14 June 2014

Push Along Wooden Camper Van Baby Walker

Oh I love these! Wooden push along campers by Plan Toys and on a special offer on Zulily until 17th June 2014 

Normally £54 on offer at £37.99

I'm inclined to get the yellow one for my daughter to use instead of a dolls pram! 

Suitable for ages 10 months plus and available as a pink campervan, blue campervan or a yellow camper van!

Pink Wooden push along Campervan Camper van baby walker by plan toys
yellow Wooden push along Campervan Camper van baby walker by plan toys

blue Wooden push along Campervan Camper van baby walker by plan toys

Emma in Bromley xx


  1. I was looking at these yesterday, I'm so tempted but we have so many push alongs & ride on's already !

  2. They are adorable.....I sometimes wish my girls were younger so I could buy things like this :)


Thank you for your comments

Emma x